Bucher Hydraulics, Elgin Sweeper, Harting, Hoffer Plastics, ITW Shakeproof, and Lakeview Precision Machining gave 21 students the amazing opportunity to intern at their manufacturing and precision machining companies, some of the most prominent in the region. These students represented Bartlett, Central, Elgin, Hampshire, Larkin, and South Elgin high schools. They were able to experience an array of different internships focusing on various manufacturing processes and highlighting the numerous manufacturing jobs available in the greater Elgin area.
These internships provided a learning experience like no other and gave students an immense amount of experience and skill. Here is what Jacob Williams, a student at Central High School and an intern at Elgin Sweeper’s Welding Internship, had to say about his experience, “The internship taught me practical skills and real-world problem-solving techniques that are not covered in school. I learned important lessons about workplace dynamics, communication, and professional etiquette that can only be gained through actual work experience”.
Because of the diverse manufacturing product lines, students were experimenting with plastic injection molding, precision machining, hydraulic motor drives, electric zero-emission technology, laser scanner technology, modular industrial connectors, and various welding processes. Students also viewed the implementation of common manufacturing competencies shared by the industry, leading to them understanding the 5S pillars, OSHA safety standards, blueprint reading, CNC programming, electronics, precision measurement, automation and robotic applications. Ayush Patel, an intern at Bucher Hydraulics and South Elgin High School student, reflected it is”very interesting to me that you can always work to improve productivity and quality. Manufacturing has tons of innovation involved.”
Students had their hands full at this internship but that’s what made students enjoy it so much. Thomas Madsen, an intern at ITW Shakeproof and an Elgin High School student, shared “In these internships, there is never a dull moment, and you always feel like you are contributing to a team.” Edwin Alexander Romo, a student at Larkin High School interning at Lakeview Precision Machining, exclaimed “It’s absolutely great! I learned so much in just a short span of three weeks”. These internships provided students with a great amount of knowledge while making the experience enjoyable.
On top of providing a great experience for students now, the internships also helped prepare students for the possibility of getting a career in manufacturing in the future. Through these internships, students quickly grasped that the level of education required to work in the manufacturing industry varies by career pathway with some leading to entry-level jobs and great advancement opportunities starting with just a high school diploma. Others may require apprenticeship and skilled training programs while some may need a university degree. Gaining this type of knowledge can be the deciding factor for many. Hampshire High School student and Hoffer Plastics intern, Michele Parker states “It helped me decide what I’d like to do after high school. Rather than be an engineer, I would instead like to be a CNC programmer”.
For others, this internship also built an understanding of professional networking for future career success. Jingyen Wen, a Harting engineering intern and Bartlett High School student, described the experience as a “wonderful way to meet new people and establish connections that may be helpful in the future, as well as giving you a direction or idea of where you want to work after you graduate from college”. It is safe to say that these internship hosts truly have their students’ best interests at heart and want them to succeed, not just as they intern, but in all their future endeavors.
Thank you to Bucher Hydraulics, Elgin Sweeper, Harting, Hoffer Plastics, ITW Shakeproof, and Lakeview Precision Machining for providing students with such a remarkable internship and giving them opportunities to get ahead in their respective career paths.
Article by Imaan Azeem, Elgin High School
Alignment Collaborative for Education Intern