High school interns, hosted this summer by more than a dozen of Alignment’s partners, gained knowledge and experience in how businesses operate from designing marketing plans and developing social media communications to understanding financial performance and the critical role of customer service and retention. Other students excelled at culinary and hospitality experiences, governmental affairs, video production, media releases, etc.
Students were placed in multiple industry clusters ranging from automotive dealerships to financial institutions along with municipal and non-profit business exposure. Host partners shared career experiences in accounting, business communications, finance, and marketing showing students that this industry sector of careers exist in all types of businesses from large corporations and branch operations to small business ventures.
Information technology internships were also very popular with students having opportunities available in the private sector but also within the region’s school districts. Ranjani Venkataraman, from Jacobs High School, an intern for Fox Valley Internet, worked in individual and business marketing while also making progress in gaining industry recognized certifications. He described what he saw and what goals he is working toward. “I went to a data center that looked like it came out of a spy movie. I also did some cybersecurity training and am almost at an NSE certification.”
Twenty-five students from Bartlett, Central, Elgin, Jacobs, Larkin, South Elgin, and Streamwood were selected for these internships across the region with assignments varying from a 60-hour opportunity to full summer employment opportunities. Four students had the exciting opportunity to work all summer at four different Wintrust bank locations. Another student gained experience at KCT Credit Union. Sharlene Manuel Cano from Streamwood High School reflected on her experience sharing that the experience at KCT “helped me learn so much about the different positions and responsibilities that exist in managing a financial institution.” From banquet preparation to culinary presentations, students also had the opportunity for experience in event planning as a full summer experience working with Bartlett Hills Golf Clubs & Banquets learning about kitchen productivity in a fast-paced environment.
Across all twenty-five internships, students clearly experienced the importance of being on-time and ready to work with customer service as one of their highest priorities. Alignment is most appreciative to the array of business and community partners that made these experiences possible for students as they work to shape their future career plans:
Bartlett Hills Golf Club & Banquets
Bob Loquercio Auto Group
Boys and Girls Club
Central School District 301
Centro De Informacion
Downtown Neighborhood Association
Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce
Fox Valley Internet
Golden Corridor YMCA
KCT Credit Union
Office of Representative Anna Moeller
School District U-46
Village of Bartlett
Village of Hanover Park