Providing experiences for high school counselors to better advise students seeking careers in healthcare.
Counselors and administrators from all five School District U-46 high schools and the Dream Academy participated in the U-46 Healthcare Day with visits to Elgin Community College (ECC) and Advocate Sherman Hospital on January 27, 2023.
The event, sponsored by the Alignment Collaborative for Education in partnership with School District U-46, was planned to better equip counselors in guiding students interested in healthcare careers towards appropriate high school course offerings to include CTE program and its Health Sciences course offerings.
Nancy Coleman, Executive Director, Alignment Collaborative for Education, praised the commitment from Advocate Sherman, ECC, and U-46 in providing this opportunity to high school counselors. “Their experience strengthens their understanding of how healthcare careers can begin and flourish,” said Coleman, “while students are completing their high school experience with a seamless pathway to post-secondary education and optimal employment opportunities.”
The tour at Elgin Community College included visiting health science programs and labs to include certificate and degree programs in Dental Assisting, Medical Assisting, Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Nursing, Ophthalmic Technician, Radiology, and Surgical Tech.
“We are excited to introduce these programs to high school counselors to share with students about these high demand career opportunities,” said Wendy Miller, Dean, Health Professions, Math, Science and Engineering, Elgin Community College. “ECC continues to expand its program offerings in the health professions to meet the workforce development needs of our local healthcare industry.”
After the ECC visit, counselors went to Advocate Sherman Hospital and were welcomed by Advocate’s president, Sheri DeShazo. Following a discussion of Advocate’s role in the community and the healthcare industry, counselors met key department leaders in Medical Lab Services, Nursing, Pharmacy Services, Radiology, Rehabilitation Service, and Respiratory Care. Counselors learned about current and future job openings and salary data as well as promotion opportunities within each of these healthcare fields. Counselors then visited almost every wing of the hospital to tour each of these operations.
“As a long-time partner of Alignment Collaborative for Education, Advocate Sherman Hospital is honored to host U-46 high school counselors for Alignment’s healthcare career pathways field trip,” said DeShazo. “As the nation faces a healthcare worker shortage it’s increasingly important for us to educate students about these career opportunities, and our local high school counselors are key partners in this effort. Within the field of healthcare, there are many different roles with varying education requirements, so events like this can provide important information for a broad spectrum of healthcare careers that counselors can take back to their students.”
Alignment and School District U-46 are grateful to partner with Advocate Sherman and ECC to engage counselors and students in career exploration within healthcare, one of the strongest and fastest growing industry sectors within the Greater Elgin area. ECC and Advocate Sherman contribute greatly to the economic prosperity of the Elgin area and its quality healthcare system. Both are long-term partners with the Alignment Collaborative for Education and are always looking to the future assisting the region with workforce development initiatives starting in the middle and high schools.