Investments in Alignment directly impact our children, youth, and community. Thank you to each of these individuals and organizations for their steadfast support!
Investment of $10,000 or greater
City of Elgin
Elgin Community College
Grand Victoria Foundation
Hoffer Foundation
School District U-46
Investment of $5,000 to $9,999
Advocate Sherman Hospital
American Honda Finance Corporation
Clearwater Capital Foundation
Elgin Township
Kane County Health Department
Dave and Sandy Kaptain
Nicor Gas
Investment of $2,000 to $4,999
Blackhawk Bank
Pam Cumpata
Hampton, Lenzini, & Renwick, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffer
IHC Construction
Lauderdale Electric
The Sikorski Family
Village of Hanover Park
Wolko Design Group, Inc.
Investment of $1,000 to $1,999
Associated Equipment Distributors
Bear Family Restaurants
Nancy and Brian Coleman
John and Niki Devereux
Elgin Area Chamber
Elgin Sweeper Company
Enterprise Holdings
Karen Fox
Gail Borden Library Foundation
KCT Credit Union
Kiwanis Club of Elgin
Cherie and Glenn Murphy
PKF Mueller
Northern Illinois University
Dr. David Sam
Streamwood Behavioral Healthcare System
United Way Metro Chicago
Western Smokehouse Partners
American NTN Bearing
Ariano, Hardy, Ritt
Stephanie Beale
Doug Britt
Brittain’s Car Wash
Mark Butcher
Pat Chamberlain
Angi Cholewa
Rodney Craig
Pastor Nat Edmond
Elgin Police Department
Laurie Elish-Piper
Andrea Fox
Carol Gieske
James Griffin
Hagg Press
James Harvey Photography
Adam Hogan
Yvonne Irving
Sue Kerr
Jeni Lyon
Bob and Carolyn Malm
Rose Martinez
Richard Paul
Amber Peters
Herb Porter
Denise Raleigh
Scott Richmond
Joseph Russell
Sara Sabo
Shales McNutt Construction
Streamwood Park District
Sheri Taylor
TBK Bank
Denise Tracy
Mary VanSlyck
Bill Wright