On October 7th, 2,572 students from U-46’s eight middle schools visited with more than 100 business and career professionals at Alignment’s annual EXPLORE event. Students selected up to 18 careers for exploration in this all-day event. Careers were grouped to align with U-46’s five educational pathways to include:
- Arts and Communications
- Finance, Business, Information Technology, and Hospitality
- Heath Sciences, Human Services, Public Services, and Education
- Liberal Arts
- Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology, and Trades
Students as part of the exploration process studied specific careers in a Q&A format gaining valuable information about the types of jobs available; the education and training required to qualify for those jobs, and the advice from business professionals about related high school course preparation and work-based learning opportunities.
Thank you to all of our volunteers for once again making Explore a showcase event, and a special thanks to our event sponsors: Advocate Aurora Health, Bear Family Restaurants, Blackhawk Bank, City of Elgin, Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce, Elgin Community College, Elgin Sweeper, Gail Borden Public Library, Harting USA, HLR Engineering, Hoffer Plastics, KCT Credit Union, Nicor, NTN Bearing, and Streamwood Behavioral Healthcare System.