Child Care and Remote Learning Support for Older Children
As children return to school many community agencies are now offering child care for older students with the ability to support remote learning. Child care providers are preparing to help students with synchronous and asynchronous learning during the school day using Canvas, the U-46 online learning platform. Information for individual providers and links to their program information are listed below.
U-46 Complete Return to School Information
School District U-46 has created a website page for parents and students which is a comprehensive source of information regarding the return to school: https://www.u-46.org/backtoschool
Child Care Options
For help finding child care for younger children, visit the Elgin Partnership for Early Learning website: elginpartnership.org.
Download a pdf of Childcare Options for Children Ages 5 and Older with E-learning Opportunities here.
Training on Canvas and Chromebooks for E-Learning
School District U-46 is offering webinar training on e-learning technology. Attendance is limited to the first 500 registered.
Chromebook 101 – Click here to register
7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 26 | 9 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 27
Learn about the basic functions of a Chromebook, some of the various tools and how a Chromebook differs from a traditional laptop.
Getting Started with Canvas – Click here to register
7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 2 | 9 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 3
What is Canvas? This webinar will provide an introductory hands-on experience in setting up and navigating Canvas.
Engaging Students in Distance Learning – Click here to register
7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9 | 9 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 10
U-46 staff will share some principles to guide student learning in the digital setting at home and review some of the education technology tools available in the District.
Promoting Self-Care for Parents & Caregivers – Click here to register
7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 16 | 9 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 17
In collaboration with the Family Service Association of Greater Elgin, U-46 lead social worker will explore ways to promote resilience and well-being in families so parents and caregivers remain strong and positive as we start planning to return to school.